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Stained Glass Rainbows

"Stained Glass Rainbows" explores the most controversial subject facing America today: the collision between the LGBT community and the Christian Church. Can gays be Christian? Is homosexuality a sin? Is there a gay gene? Is there such a thing as an ex-gay? Both families and churches are being torn apart over these divisive issues.

This documentary brings together the voices of the left, the right, and the middle and helps bridge the gulf through its dialogue. From gay pride parades to anti-gay protests, "Stained Glass Rainbows" confronts the controversy of faith through the hearts and minds of people on both sides of this uncivil war.

Includes a 48-page Small Group Study Guide.

Negative Rating
Positive Rating

Dove Review

“Stained Glass Rainbows” is a unique and original documentary that focuses on the modern-day debate between those who embrace the homosexual lifestyle and those who oppose it, based on their belief in God and the Bible. Multiple people are interviewed in this film and share their views on homosexuality and its relationship to Scripture. A female minister, Cindi Love, a practicing lesbian, shares her viewpoint that, despite several Scriptures in the Bible that condemn it, Jesus loves her and accepts her as she is. Interestingly, her two grown children are now practicing the gay lifestyle. The film poignantly features several former homosexuals, both men and women, who share that God’s Word and Christ brought them out of the former lifestyle. They all agree that living the gay lifestyle is a choice. One man says that being a drunk or cheating on a spouse is a choice, and so is the homosexual lifestyle. What’s most disturbing is that some say, if God is against their homosexual lifestyle, then that is okay, because they will live that way anyway.

Robert Gagnon, Associate Professor of the New Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, shares valuable insights into the truth of Scripture and how God can give grace for those who truly want to change. He mentions, as do others, the image of Christ loving his bride, the Church, and how men and women compliment one another and fill gaps the other partner is missing. Jonathan Ervin, a former gay man, shares his testimony of being saved from the homosexual lifestyle and empowered by the Holy Spirit. He is given a death sentence when told he has the HIV virus, but he lives well past the time predicted that he had left on Earth.

Please note that there is some strong content featured in this documentary, including a photo of a man’s genitals in an old archived commercial on using condoms, as well as strong language and frank comments about men desiring men and women desiring women. We are listing the content so that viewers can decide if they wish to view the documentary. Ultimately, this film shows the difference the grace of God can make in an individual’s life. We are awarding it our “Faith-Based” Seal, meaning it has a faith message but some objectionable content. As this documentary portrays, the light still shines behind the stained glass for those who trust God and His word.

Dove Rating Details




Comments about suicides with hangings, guns, pills, and other methods; demonstrators who speak out against gay lifestyle say they were pelted with objects.


Frank sexual comments, including a man who says, as a boy, another boy wanted to see if he wanted to suck his "naughty bit" or the other way around; a comment about sucking a man's genitalia is used a few times in a slang way; comments about men desiring men and women desiring women; a woman seduced a younger woman into the gay lifestyle; old archive video shows a young man looking at a Playboy magazine; women kissing other women in a few clips and men kissing men; a slang word for condom is used.


OMG-1; "F*** you!" is yelled from a car; several uses of "hell," as in the biblical place; Crap-1; Comments about sodomy and cut downs of gays, calling them faggots and other words.


Comments about suicides with hangings, guns, pills, and other methods; demonstrators who speak out against gay lifestyle say they were pelted with objects.


Person took pills, he said, to end his own life; smoking in a few scenes; a photo of a person smoking; a person says they smoked a couple of joints in the past as they indulged in drugs and the gay lifestyle; comments about gay bars; a comment about drinking a beer.


A photo of a man's genitalia, including pubic hair; some people wear little clothing, including shirtless men; a man in a bikini; people in shorts.


Several young people are mentioned because they committed suicide, due to being bullied for their gay lifestyle, and in some cases, how they committed suicide (such as hanging themselves) is mentioned; others share that they considered suicide; discussions about whether "gay" Christians exist or not; Gay Pride days are shown; cross dressers, drag queens and transgender people are featured; a few people state they believe in gay marriage.

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