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Light After Dark (Book)

Is your life hindered because of emotional pain? If you have suffered from feeling unloved, I encourage you to read this book. Years ago, God prompted me to write this book. He even gave me the title of it. Still, I was very hesitant to write it, because I was afraid of reliving all of the pain I have tried so hard to forget. ~Ingrid Charles Martijn~
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Dove Review

In “Light After Darkness,” Ingrid Charles Martijn shares how the light of the Gospel broke her free from the darkness of sin, which included cruel treatment from her husbands and boyfriends. Born in the Caribbean Island of St. Lucia, she was the third of five children. Her father was the chief minister, later renamed prime minister, and she lived in a mansion with her father and family in the capitol city of Castries. She eventually moved a lot and lived in New York and other parts of the United States. She also decided later in life that a heavenly mansion sounded better than an earthly one.

The strength of this book is the tremendous change that occurs later in Ingrid’s life, but sadly it doesn’t take place until page 59 in the 82-page book. Up until then, she describes many incidents of when her very drunken husband physically abused her. The book does not feature strong prose but does convey the simple and sincere voice of the author. She encourages her readers to wait on God in prayer.

We are awarding our “Faith-Based” Seal to the book, meaning it has a strong faith message but some material that is objectionable — in this case the frequent physical and mental abuse. It features stories of the abuse the author endured before it focuses on her redemption. However, none of the scenes described are graphic. “Light After Dark” is a story of hope. Ingrid’s life is much different by the end of the book, as she finds freedom from debt and happiness in being “married” to Jesus.

Dove Rating Details




Drunken husbands and boyfriends are abusive to the main character, striking her to the point of her needing a couple of surgeries later in life; the abuse occurs frequently within the first 58 pages; stone thrown at woman; woman bleeds a few times from being hit, including being struck with a radio; woman bitten on left breast and kicked with steel work boots, which damaged her kidneys; woman said she was called names many times; Coward-1


The main character has several relationships with boyfriends and husbands and winds up pregnant several times, but she changes and turns to God late in the book.


"H" is mentioned as a place several times; man reportedly cursed woman's father a lot, but names are not used; man called wife names, but none are mentioned.


Drunken husbands and boyfriends are abusive to the main character, striking her to the point of her needing a couple of surgeries later in life; the abuse occurs frequently within the first 58 pages; stone thrown at woman; woman bleeds a few times from being hit, including being struck with a radio; woman bitten on left breast and kicked with steel work boots, which damaged her kidneys; woman said she was called names many times; Coward-1


A lot comments about boyfriends, and particularly one husband, drinking a lot; comments about constant drinking and partying.




A woman's life of rejection as she was beaten and verbally abused by husbands and boyfriends and was rejected by some of her kids; tension and arguments between characters; the pain of divorce; death and grief; characters lying.

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