Approved for All Ages

Truffled (Manuscript)

Brigitte is a pampered little pig who belongs to the wealthy Duke and Duchess of Timmersfield, England. She is also a champion truffle-hunter. Neighbor Lord Pearce owns a truffle-hunting dog that always loses in competitions to Brigitte. He would do anything to see the tiny pig disappear.

At the far side of the world, young Riley Bradford is deeply saddened to learn his family will soon lose their Oregon farm to bankruptcy. However, through an airport mix-up, little Brigitte is sent on an airplane to Eugene, Oregon. There she faces dangerous challenges before finding her way to the forest at the edge of the Bradford farm. Meanwhile, Lord Pearce has hired a professional boar trapper aptly named “Wolf” to get rid of her, and he is hot on her tracks. The frantic Duke and Duchess fly to America and hire enthusiastic Oregon SPCA Officer Harriet to help them find their prized pig.

Running away to the forest in despair, Riley finds the little pig hungrily foraging. He brings her to his Uncle Derek, a local chef, who sniffs the tiny pig’s snout and makes an amazing discovery--valuable white diamond truffles exist right there on their farm! Wicked Wolf makes several attempts to capture the prized pig, each one ending in humorous disaster. In a final showdown, Wolf and the wicked Lord Pearce close in on Riley and Brigitte, and the boy and tiny pig join forces to heroically save the day. TRUFFLED by Dayle Dodds
Negative Rating
Positive Rating

Dove Review

“Truffled” is a delightful story, suitable for family reading (or viewing when it is made into a film). It features a unique story about Brigitte, the pig, and the truffles, not to mention the story of adversity with John, Susan and Riley, who are in danger of losing their home. The manuscript ties the two stories together nicely. The search for Brigitte, and the friendship she has with Riley, work well in the story, and the villain in search of her, named Wolf, is believable. Wolf adds to the mood of the story. I enjoyed the humor, too. For example, when Lord Pearce drops Brigitte out the window, she lands in the three-tiered cake with the whipped cream and strawberries, gobbles up a large, fresh strawberry, and smiles.

The Duke and Duchess, Lord Pearce, and all of the characters are vivid and memorable. I liked the ending. You wrote it realistically and provide the audience a happy ending. This manuscript features a few villains, a loving couple, a struggling family, and a boy who takes care of Brigitte the pig, when she is separated from her family. What’s not to like? This one has earned the Dove Seal for all ages and five Doves, our best rating. Best wishes for the future for “Truffled.”

Dove Rating Details




Man grabs dog by the scruff of the neck; a man hurls his hat to the ground in anger; man pushes pig out a window, hoping to kill her, but she survives; plot to kill a pig; riders on bikes crash into safety fence, attempting to miss a pig; one bike rider goes over a fence into the water; played for humor, a man steps on a pitchfork, and it whacks him in the forehead; horse kicks man out of stall; dog grabs villain's ankle with his teeth; a dog is tossed and yelps but is okay; steel hook whacks villain in head.


A husband and wife kiss.


OMG-1; Bugger-1; Crikey-2; Horse's patootie-1: Holy Cow-1; Dog's butt-1; Dunderhead-1; "What the...?" (not finished)-1; Shut up-1; Fools-1; Incompetent buffoons-1; Butthead-1


Man grabs dog by the scruff of the neck; a man hurls his hat to the ground in anger; man pushes pig out a window, hoping to kill her, but she survives; plot to kill a pig; riders on bikes crash into safety fence, attempting to miss a pig; one bike rider goes over a fence into the water; played for humor, a man steps on a pitchfork, and it whacks him in the forehead; horse kicks man out of stall; dog grabs villain's ankle with his teeth; a dog is tossed and yelps but is okay; steel hook whacks villain in head.


A few drinking scenes, including wine, champagne and a toast; a man is depressed and pours himself a few glasses of wine in a row; the mention of vineyards, wine presses and barrels; woman takes sleeping pill; man, villain, receives a painful shot.


Woman wears miniskirt.


Man spits; tension over family, possibly losing their farm; boy talks back to parents in frustration for losing his animals and home; a burping pig.

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