These men and women know the power of film.

Thousands of years ago, humankind told itself tales of gods and heroes, passing down the collected wisdom of previous generations through the power of story. It is one thing to have something like kindness or inhumanity or apathy explained, but it is quite another to actually vicariously experience these concepts through a well-spun tale.

Today, movies are the new mythology, carrying on that tradition. And for all the talk of sexy celebrities and red carpet fashion, the world of film has given us numerous filmmakers who were—and are—capable of moving beyond the glitzy surface of show business and changing the world through their art. These are the directors who peddle not only entertainment, but wisdom, too, just as the old stories once did

Amongst these filmmakers, a few stand out—the ones whose movies have gone on to positively influence audiences on a global scale. These directors have, through their work, raised awareness of important cultural issues, changed the way filmmakers create movies, held the mirror of critique up to our society, and have even influenced the policies of nations.

Let’s take a look at a few of these legendary filmmakers who changed our world for the better, and how they’ve made their mark on each of us.